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June 03, 2013
June is National Safety Month

Safety Starts with Me is the theme of this year’s National Safety Month observance. The month is sponsored by the National Safety Council (NSC) to educate people and influence behaviors that lead to preventable injuries and death.

The NSC acknowledges that commitment from top leadership is essential. But equally important is a culture in which safety is owned by all, making everyone in the organization a safety leader.

Weekly themes for National Safety Month are:

  • Week 1: Preventing slips, trips, and falls
  • Week 2: Employee wellness
  • Week 3: Emergency preparedness
  • Week 4: Ergonomics

In addition, there are two bonus topics:

  • Summer safety
  • Driving safety

Cintas Corporation, a maker of uniforms, first-aid kids, and other workplace supplies, recommends five activities to help engage employees during National Safety Month:

  • Set a company goal for training employees in CPR and automated external defibrillator (AED) use.
  • Fit employees for personal protective equipment.
  • Host a safety contest to keep workers focused and enthusiastic.
  • Test fire extinguisher skills.
  • Teach emergency response.

Get your workforce involved in choosing activities that best reflect the safety culture and hazards at your place of business. Start by asking the safety committee to come up with ideas to observe National Safety Month. Be sure to publicize your efforts.

Want to observe National Safety Month at your company? has all the information you need on the featured topics and more. Here are a few articles to get you started:

Preventing slips and falls—In most years, slips, trips, and falls result in somewhere between 15 percent and 20 percent of all nonfatal workplace injuries, the highest frequency of injury of any single regulated activity. They happen often, but can often be easily prevented. Find out how.

Make your wellness programs a success—Healthy employees tend to be more productive, take fewer sick days, and are less likely to get hurt on the job. Check out the article for tips on creating an effective wellness program.

Lessons from West, Texas: What you can do to prepare for and prevent disasters—Although there still isn’t a definitive cause for the West Fertilizer Company explosion, the tragedy offers important lessons for all employers about emergency preparedness and accident prevention. Check out Part 1 of this two-part feature, where we focus on emergency preparation.

Identify and control sprains and strains in the workplace—More employees miss work because of sprains and strains than almost any other work-related injury. Learn how to use proper ergonomics to prevent these injuries.

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