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Recordkeeping - General
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This topic covers recordkeeping requirements other than OSHA’s injury and illness recordkeeping requirements (OSHA 300 Log), which can be found under the Injury and Illness Records (OSHA 300) topic.

Numerous OSHA and DOT standards require establishments to produce and retain safety records of various kinds. In addition, many states have their own recordkeeping requirements. Some common types of records employers may be required to keep include inspection records, training and/or certification records, medical evaluation records, and written plans for operations such as lockout/tagout.

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Directives 03/14/1988 - ADM 12-7.2A CH-1 - Change to Regional and Area Office Records Disposition Schedule 07/18/2003National
Directives 04/04/1988 - ADM 7.3B - OSHA Forms Management Program 07/18/2003National
Directives 06/01/1984 - ADM 3.4A - Multiple Addressee Inquires 07/18/2003National
Directives 06/03/1985 - CPL 2-2.22 CH-1 - Removal of Obsolete Sections 07/18/2003National
Directives 06/03/1985 - CPL 2-2.27 CH-1 - Removal of Obsolete Sections 07/18/2003National
Directives 06/03/1985 - CPL 2-2.31 CH-1 - Removal of Obsolete Sections 07/18/2003National
Directives 06/03/1985 - CPL 2-2.6 CH-1 - Removal of Obsolete Sections 07/18/2003National
Directives 06/22/1987 - STD 3-1.1 - Clarification of Citation Policy 07/18/2003National
Directives 06/28/1993 - ADM 12.5 CH-1 - Change 1 to the OSHA instruction ADM 12.5, OSHA Compliance Records 07/22/2003National
Directives 07/13/1988 - ADM 1-1.22 - The Integrated Management Information System (IMIS) Overview and WP Manual 07/18/2003National
Directives 07/17/1989 - ADM 1-1.21A - The IMIS Enforcement Micro Reports Document 07/21/2003National
Directives 07/29/1985 - REP 2-3.3 - OSHA Information Collection Management System 07/18/2003National
Directives 07/30/1980 - ADM 12-7.2A - Regional and Area Office Records Disposition 07/16/2003National
Directives 07/31/1980 - ADM 12-7.3 - National Office Records Disposition Schedule 07/16/2003National
Directives 08/03/1998 - OSHA Compliance Records 07/22/2003National
Directives 08/03/1998 - Revised OSHA Records Management Program 07/22/2003National
Directives 08/25/1986 - ADM 1-1.18 CH-1 - Changes to the INFORMIX Skills for the IMIS Manual 07/18/2003National
Directives 09/03/2003 - 03-07 (ADM 12) - OSHA Directives Tools-Directives Index and Cross-reference (PDF) 09/03/2003National
Directives 09/03/2003 - 03-08 (ADM 12) - OSHA Classification Tool - Subject Index (PDF) 09/03/2003National
Directives 09/03/2003 - ADM 12-0.9 - OSHA Classification System (PDF) 09/03/2003National
Directives 09/25/2008 - [TED 03-00-002] - Administering OSHA Discretionary Grant Programs 09/25/2008National
Directives 10/12/1993 - CPL 2.98 - Guidelines for Case File Documentation for use with Videotapes and Audiotapes 07/22/2003National
Directives 10/30/1978 - ADM 12.1 - OSHA Classification System 07/09/2003National
Directives 10/30/1978 - STP 2-1.12 - State Statistical and Recordkeeping Program Under 18(b) Plans 07/09/2003National
Directives 11/24/1986 - ADM 1-1.18 CH-2 - Changes to the INFORMIX Skills for the IMIS Manual 07/18/2003National
Directives 11/27/1995 - CPL 2.111 - Citation Policy for Paperwork and Written Program Requirement Violations 07/22/2003National
Directives 12/21/2001 - OSHA Employee IMIS Identification Change 07/22/2003National
Directives 12/24/1990 - ADM 12.1 CH-7 - Change to OSHA Classification System 07/22/2003National
Regulations 29 CFR § 1910.1020 Access to employee exposure and medical records  National
Final Rules 29 CFR 1913 - Rules of Agency Practice and Procedure Concerning Occupational Safety and Health Administration Access to Employee Medical Records 07/30/2020National
Proposed Rules 29 CFR 403 and 408 - Rescission of Labor Organization Annual Financial Report for Trusts in Which a Labor Organization Is Interested, Form T-1 05/27/2021National
Proposed Rules 29 CFR 405 - Revision of the Form LM-10 Employer Report 09/13/2022National
Final Rules 29 CFR 405 - Revision of the Form LM-10 Employer Report; Final Rule 07/28/2023National
Questions & Answers A record of the chemical identity of a hazardous substance must be maintained for 30 years only if there was an exposure to the chemical? 06/12/2015National
Handouts Abatement Verification Procedures (PDF)  National
Interpretations Access to employee exposure and medical records.[1910.1020] 06/07/2001National
Guidance Documents Access to Medical and Exposure Records  National
Questions & Answers An employee failed to report an injury and resigned. Is it recordable? 11/11/2021National
Interpretations Clarification of employer's obligation to include social security numbers on employee exposure records. 03/27/2008National
Interpretations Clarification of NIOSH's obligation under OSHA to receive and maintain employee exposure and medical records. 02/01/2008National
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