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Guidance Documents OSHA Voluntary Protection Programs (VPP) Policies and Procedures Manual  National
Directives 01/24/2005 - TED 01-00-016 - Procedures for Updating OSHA Technical Manual (PDF) 01/24/2005National
Directives 01/31/2002 - OSHA Executive Board 07/22/2003National
Directives 02/16/1981 - ADM 4.3 - Redelegation of Personnel Management Authority 07/16/2003National
Directives 02/24/1991 - PER 1.2 - Flexible Scheduling for OSHA Executives 07/22/2003National
Directives 02/27/1981 - ADM 3-2.1A - OSHA Correspondence Manual 07/16/2003National
Directives 03/04/2003 - Update to OSHA Mission and Function Statements 07/22/2003National
Directives 03/06/2003 - Redelegation of Authority and Responsibility of the Assistant Secretary for Occupational Safety and Health 07/22/2003National
Directives 03/12/1998 - Providing Assistance to Smaller Employers 07/22/2003National
Directives 03/24/2004 - 04-01 (CSP 02) - Federal Consultation Cooperative Agreement Application for FY 2005 (PDF) 03/24/2004National
Directives 04/12/2007 - [07-01 (CSP 02)] - Federal On-site Consultation Cooperative Agreement Application for FY 2008 04/12/2007National
Directives 04/12/2007 - [07-02 (CSP 02)] - FY 2008 Instructions for (1) Integrated 23(g) State Plan Grants and 21(d) On-site Consultation Cooperative Agreements; (2) 23(g) Public Employee Only State Plan Grants; and (3) 23(g) State Plan Grants without 21(d) Fun 04/12/2007National
Directives 06/01/2006 - 06-02 (CSP 02) - Federal Consultation Cooperative Agreement Application for FY 2007 06/01/2006National
Directives 06/10/2004 - CSP 04-01-001 - OSHA Alliance Program (PDF) 07/10/2004National
Directives 06/15/2005 - IPC 01-00-005 - OSHA E-Correspondence Policies and Procedures (PDF) 06/15/2005National
Directives 06/22/1987 - FIN 8.1 CH-1 - Changes to OSHA Instruction FIN 8.1 07/18/2003National
Directives 06/23/2006 - CPL 02-00-140 - Complaint Policies and Procedures 06/23/2006National
Directives 06/28/2004 - 04-04 CSP 02 - Integrated Application for 21(d) Consultation Cooperative Agreements and 23(g) State Plan Grants for FY 2005 (PDF) 06/28/2004National
Directives 07/06/1979 - BUD 4-1.1A - Operating Expense Budgets 07/09/2003National
Directives 07/06/2000 - Printing and Distribution of Publications 07/22/2003National
Directives 07/07/2006 - 06-04 (CSP 02) - FY 2007 Instructions for (1) Integrated 23(g) State Plan Grants and 21(d) Consultation Cooperative Agreements; (2) 23(g) Public Employee Only State Plan Grants; and (3) 23(g) State Plan Grants without 21(d) Funding 07/07/2006National
Directives 07/08/1981 - FAP .2 - Procedures for Handling "Alternate" and "Supplementary" Standards Submitted by Federal Agencies 07/16/2003National
Directives 07/08/2003 - 03-05 (TED 3) - Combined Application for 23(g) Grants and 21(d) Consultation Cooperative Agreements for FY 2004 (PDF) 07/08/2003National
Directives 07/14/2003 - 03-04 (TED 3) - Federal Consultation Cooperative Agreement Application for FY 2004 (PDF) 07/14/2003National
Directives 07/15/1991 - ADM 11-2.3C - Field Organizational Changes Below the Regional Office Level 07/22/2003National
Directives 07/20/2005 - 05-02 (CSP 02) - FY 2006 Instructions for (1) Integrated 23(g) State Plan Grants and 21(d) Consultation Cooperative Agreements; (2) 23(g) Public Employee Only State Plan Grants; and (3) 23(g) State Plan Grants without 21(d) Funding 07/20/2005National
Directives 07/22/2005 - 05-03 (CSP 02) - Federal Consultation Cooperative Agreement Application for FY 2006 07/22/2005National
Directives 07/31/2003 - PER 03-00.004 - OSHA Personnel Participation in Non-governmental Organizations (PDF) 07/31/2003National
Directives 08/05/2005 - 05-05 (CPL 02) - Site-Specific Targeting 2005 (SST-05) 08/05/2005National
Directives 08/14/1989 - PUB 8.5A - OSHA Magazine - Job Safety and Health Quarterly 07/22/2003National
Directives 09/01/1995 - ADM 1-1.35 - The NCR and PC Applications for the CSHO manual 07/22/2003National
Directives 09/15/1980 - STD 8.1 - Interpretation of Standards 07/16/2003National
Directives 09/26/1983 - ADM 12.1 CH-3 - Change to Classification System 07/18/2003National
Directives 1/11/2006 - IRT 03-00-002 - Web Policies (PDF) 01/11/2006National
Directives 10/17/2003 - FIN 02-00-003 - Financial and Administrative Monitoring of OSHA Grants and Cooperative Agreements (PDF) 10/17/2003National
Directives 10/25/1996 - PRO 4.4 - OSHA Property Management 07/22/2003National
Directives 10/30/1978 - PER 3.3 - Outside Employment - Teaching, Lecturing and Writing 07/09/2003National
Directives 10/30/1978 - PER 5-5.2 - OSHA's Policy for Equal Employment Opportunity 07/09/2003National
Directives 10/30/1978 - STP 2-1.17 - Transfer of Responsibility for Review and Approval or Rejection of State Standards 07/09/2003National
Directives 11/07/2008 - [ADM 02-01-002] - Update to OSHA Mission and Function Statements 11/07/2008National
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