This collection compiles the resources you need to align your hazard communication program with OSHA’s GHS amendments to the hazard communication standard, which were fully implemented as of June 1, 2016. The changes include a required 16-section format for safety data sheets (SDSs), new required chemical label elements and pictograms, and standard criteria for classifying chemical hazards.

Common hazard communication violations include:

  • Failure to have a written program;
  • Inadequate employee training;
  • Improper labeling on chemical containers; and
  • Missing, or lack of access to, SDSs.

OSHA’s hazard communication standard (29 CFR 1910.1200) applies to any business where workers can be exposed to hazardous chemicals. The standard requires a written program, labeling, worker access to safety data sheets (SDSs) for all chemicals to which they can be exposed, and employee training. There are additional requirements that apply to chemical manufacturers, importers, and distributors.

  • Compliance Requirements
  • Training
  • Time Savers
  • Best Practices

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