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This topic covers the labeling requirements of OSHA’s Hazard Communication Standard (HCS or HazCom), including the new Globally Harmonized System, or GHS, amendments, which applies to any employer whose workers may be exposed to hazardous chemicals. Manufacturers must label every hazardous chemical container with key information on the substance it contains, and worker training must include an explanation of the labeling system.

For a compliance timetable, links to GHS traning materials, and other GHS information, see this HazCom Training article and BLR’s GHS and Hazard Communication Resource Center.

For related resources and training materials, refer to the following topics:

  • Hazard Communication for information about OSHA’s Hazard Communication standard, including GHS revisions
  • SDS for information about HazCom SDS requirements
  • Hazmat Labels for information about DOT hazardous material (HazMat) labeling requirements
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Interpretations Hazard determination; labeling of solid materials [1910.1200(d); 1910.1200(f)(2)] 12/01/1998National
Interpretations "Guidelines for the preparation of warning labels for carbon and graphite electrical products" [1910.1200] 06/27/1990National
Questions & Answers Are the NFPA 704 and HMIS acceptable workplace labeling methods under OSHA’s Hazard Communication Standard? 06/19/2019National
Cartoons Are You Nuts?  National
Training Tips Are Your Employees Reading Chemical Labels?  National
Questions & Answers Can I attach the labels to the wall behind the drums or must the labels be attached to the actual container(s) that holds the product? 04/20/2017National
Training Activities Chemical Label Safety Activity (Word)  National
Interpretations Clarification of the label requirements of the OSHA Hazard Communication Standard [1910.1200(f)] 07/11/1989National
Interpretations Clarification on labeling and SDS requirements under HCS 2012 [1910.1200] 01/31/2013National
Interpretations Confirmation of labeling requirements of the Hazard Communication Standard [1910.1200; 1910.1200(f)(1)] 01/03/1986National
Interpretations Container labeling requirements under the OSHA Hazard Communication Standard [1910.1200(f)] 11/09/1990National
Interpretations Container labelling requirements [1910.1200] 10/11/1994National
Interpretations CPSC versus HCS 2012 labeling requirements [1910.1200] 05/12/2014National
Interpretations Evaluation of labeling system which was designed to meet the requirements of the HCS [1910.1200(f)] 05/04/1987National
Interpretations Explanation of HCS labeling requirements to the National Association of Printing Ink Manufacturers [1910.1200(f)] 08/13/1986National
Interpretations Guidance on whether patch test kits are exempt from the labeling requirements of HCS [1910.1200] 12/24/1992National
Toolbox Talks Hazard communication labels: The 'corrosion' pictogram  National
Toolbox Talks Hazard communication labels: The 'exclamation mark' pictogram  National
Toolbox Talks Hazard communication labels: The 'explosives' pictogram  National
Toolbox Talks Hazard communication labels: the 'gas cylinder' pictogram  National
Toolbox Talks Hazard communication labels: The 'health hazard' pictogram  National
Toolbox Talks Hazard communication labels: The 'oxidizer' pictogram  National
Toolbox Talks Hazard communication labels: The 'skull and crossbones' pictogram  National
Toolbox Talks Hazard communication labels: The environment pictogram  National
Toolbox Talks Hazard communication labels: The flame pictogram  National
Interpretations Hazard Communication Standard (HCS) Labeling Requirements for Industrial Thermometers [1910.1200] 07/17/1989National
Guidance Documents Hazard Communication Standard: Labels and Pictograms OSHA Brief  National
Toolbox Talks Hazard communication: HazCom vs. NFPA labels  National
Toolbox Talks Hazard communication: Workplace labeling for employees  National
7 Minute Safety Trainer Hazard Pictograms on Chemical Labels (Outline)  National
Handouts Hazard Pictograms on Chemical Labels [7-Minute Safety Trainer]  National
Quizzes Hazard Pictograms on Chemical Labels [7-Minute Safety Trainer]  National
Handouts Hazard Pictograms on Chemical Labels [7-Minute Safety Trainer] - Spanish  National
Quizzes Hazard Pictograms on Chemical Labels [7-Minute Safety Trainer] - Spanish  National
Interpretations Hazard warning label requirements.(1910.1048) 09/27/1993National
Toolbox Talks HazCom: Elements of the GHS-compliant label  National
Toolbox Talks HazCom: Workplace labeling for supervisors  National
Interpretations HCS on Hazard warnings required on product labels [1910.1200(f)] 03/20/1990National
Handouts HCS Pictograms and Hazards  National
Interpretations HMIS for meeting labeling requirements of the HCS [1910.1200(f)] 06/11/1987National
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