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This topic covers the structure and function of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), the federal agency responsible for administering and enforcing the federal OSH Act. OSHA regulations set out uniform national standards for workplace safety and health practices throughout the country. State and local government (public sector) employers are not regulated under federal OSHA, and also not covered are self-employed individuals, family members operating farms, and domestic household workers. Some state OSHA agencies regulate public sector employers.

There are OSHA rules that cover general industry workplaces, construction, maritime, marine terminals, shipbuilding, agriculture, longshoring, and more.

Some states have their own federally approved occupational safety and health regulatory programs; these are known as “state-plan” states. Regulations in state-plan states must be at least as stringent as federal OSHA regulations, but states may adopt stricter regulations.

Refer to the following charts for an overview of state differences in safety and health regulations:

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Guidance Documents OSHA Voluntary Protection Programs (VPP) Policies and Procedures Manual  National
Questions & Answers -- Type Question Here --what is the requlation for platform 01/08/2021National
Directives 01/24/2005 - TED 01-00-016 - Procedures for Updating OSHA Technical Manual (PDF) 01/24/2005National
Directives 01/31/2002 - OSHA Executive Board 07/22/2003National
Directives 02/16/1981 - ADM 4.3 - Redelegation of Personnel Management Authority 07/16/2003National
Directives 02/24/1991 - PER 1.2 - Flexible Scheduling for OSHA Executives 07/22/2003National
Directives 02/27/1981 - ADM 3-2.1A - OSHA Correspondence Manual 07/16/2003National
Directives 03/04/2003 - Update to OSHA Mission and Function Statements 07/22/2003National
Directives 03/06/2003 - Redelegation of Authority and Responsibility of the Assistant Secretary for Occupational Safety and Health 07/22/2003National
Directives 03/12/1998 - Providing Assistance to Smaller Employers 07/22/2003National
Directives 03/24/2004 - 04-01 (CSP 02) - Federal Consultation Cooperative Agreement Application for FY 2005 (PDF) 03/24/2004National
Directives 04/12/2007 - [07-01 (CSP 02)] - Federal On-site Consultation Cooperative Agreement Application for FY 2008 04/12/2007National
Directives 04/12/2007 - [07-02 (CSP 02)] - FY 2008 Instructions for (1) Integrated 23(g) State Plan Grants and 21(d) On-site Consultation Cooperative Agreements; (2) 23(g) Public Employee Only State Plan Grants; and (3) 23(g) State Plan Grants without 21(d) Fun 04/12/2007National
Directives 06/01/2006 - 06-02 (CSP 02) - Federal Consultation Cooperative Agreement Application for FY 2007 06/01/2006National
Directives 06/10/2004 - CSP 04-01-001 - OSHA Alliance Program (PDF) 07/10/2004National
Directives 06/15/2005 - IPC 01-00-005 - OSHA E-Correspondence Policies and Procedures (PDF) 06/15/2005National
Directives 06/22/1987 - FIN 8.1 CH-1 - Changes to OSHA Instruction FIN 8.1 07/18/2003National
Directives 06/23/2006 - CPL 02-00-140 - Complaint Policies and Procedures 06/23/2006National
Directives 06/28/2004 - 04-04 CSP 02 - Integrated Application for 21(d) Consultation Cooperative Agreements and 23(g) State Plan Grants for FY 2005 (PDF) 06/28/2004National
Directives 07/06/1979 - BUD 4-1.1A - Operating Expense Budgets 07/09/2003National
Directives 07/06/2000 - Printing and Distribution of Publications 07/22/2003National
Directives 07/07/2006 - 06-04 (CSP 02) - FY 2007 Instructions for (1) Integrated 23(g) State Plan Grants and 21(d) Consultation Cooperative Agreements; (2) 23(g) Public Employee Only State Plan Grants; and (3) 23(g) State Plan Grants without 21(d) Funding 07/07/2006National
Directives 07/08/1981 - FAP .2 - Procedures for Handling "Alternate" and "Supplementary" Standards Submitted by Federal Agencies 07/16/2003National
Directives 07/08/2003 - 03-05 (TED 3) - Combined Application for 23(g) Grants and 21(d) Consultation Cooperative Agreements for FY 2004 (PDF) 07/08/2003National
Directives 07/14/2003 - 03-04 (TED 3) - Federal Consultation Cooperative Agreement Application for FY 2004 (PDF) 07/14/2003National
Directives 07/15/1991 - ADM 11-2.3C - Field Organizational Changes Below the Regional Office Level 07/22/2003National
Directives 07/20/2005 - 05-02 (CSP 02) - FY 2006 Instructions for (1) Integrated 23(g) State Plan Grants and 21(d) Consultation Cooperative Agreements; (2) 23(g) Public Employee Only State Plan Grants; and (3) 23(g) State Plan Grants without 21(d) Funding 07/20/2005National
Directives 07/22/2005 - 05-03 (CSP 02) - Federal Consultation Cooperative Agreement Application for FY 2006 07/22/2005National
Directives 07/31/2003 - PER 03-00.004 - OSHA Personnel Participation in Non-governmental Organizations (PDF) 07/31/2003National
Directives 08/05/2005 - 05-05 (CPL 02) - Site-Specific Targeting 2005 (SST-05) 08/05/2005National
Directives 08/14/1989 - PUB 8.5A - OSHA Magazine - Job Safety and Health Quarterly 07/22/2003National
Directives 09/01/1995 - ADM 1-1.35 - The NCR and PC Applications for the CSHO manual 07/22/2003National
Directives 09/15/1980 - STD 8.1 - Interpretation of Standards 07/16/2003National
Directives 09/26/1983 - ADM 12.1 CH-3 - Change to Classification System 07/18/2003National
Directives 1/11/2006 - IRT 03-00-002 - Web Policies (PDF) 01/11/2006National
Directives 10/17/2003 - FIN 02-00-003 - Financial and Administrative Monitoring of OSHA Grants and Cooperative Agreements (PDF) 10/17/2003National
Directives 10/25/1996 - PRO 4.4 - OSHA Property Management 07/22/2003National
Directives 10/30/1978 - PER 3.3 - Outside Employment - Teaching, Lecturing and Writing 07/09/2003National
Directives 10/30/1978 - PER 5-5.2 - OSHA's Policy for Equal Employment Opportunity 07/09/2003National
Directives 10/30/1978 - STP 2-1.17 - Transfer of Responsibility for Review and Approval or Rejection of State Standards 07/09/2003National
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