New Documents
White Papers:
Worker and supervisor training is a key element of your compliance efforts and safety and health management program. All workers need to understand the hazards related to their work and appropriate control measures—elimination, substitution, engineering controls, administrative controls, and personal protective equipment (PPE).
Toolbox Talks:
This talk discusses how to reduce your odds of being a victim while alone at night. The talk also discusses the proper response to varying threats of harassment or violence in public places.
Employee Newsletters:
This month's issue includes information on inspection requirements for refrigeration equipment, National Biodiesel Day, and the chemical lethane.
This month's issue includes information on identifying safety training needs, Workplace Eye Wellness Month, personal safety at night, and safety enforcement fines and penalties.
Employee News Articles:
Every March, Prevent Blindness, the oldest eye health and safety group in the United States, promotes Workplace Eye Wellness Month. Throughout the month, Prevent Blindness provides employers and employees with free information about how to avoid eye injury and maintain healthy vision at work.
Ensuring the well-being of employees is paramount in an ever-evolving workplace. As companies strive to maintain a secure work environment, identifying areas that require enhanced safety training becomes critical.
Whether working late or heading home from an evening out, you should understand how to protect yourself in public places.
The federal Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) continues to carry out inspections and issue citations to employers that expose workers to hazardous conditions. The governing laws and regulations can be found in 29 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) 1903.15(d) and 29 U.S. Code (USC) 666(a)-(i).
Test your knowledge of OSHA safety enforcement fines and penalties.
Toolbox Talks:
This talk informs employees how to properly put on a fully encapsulating suit with a self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA) in a manner that will protect them from being contaminated or inhaling contaminants.