What's New on Safety.BLR.com
Safety.BLR.com's What's New page is where you will find all of the most recent content added and updated to the site in the last 14 days. See the latest regulatory activity, updated regulatory analysis, training sessions, and more.
Regulatory Analysis
We are continually updating our state and national regulatory analysis to help you keep up with the changing regs. See the updated section on the What's New page to find all of the topics.
New Documents
Final Rules:
OSHA has corrected several inadvertent errors in its Hazard Communication Standard (HCS) which were published in the Federal Register on May 20, 2024.
Employee Newsletters:
This month's issue includes information on flu prevention, Fire Prevention Week, HazCom labels (the 'explosives' pictogram), and National Protect Your Hearing Month.
White Papers:
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) predicts that COVID-19, influenza, and respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) infections will lead to a similar or lower number of combined peak hospitalizations this winter than the 2023–2024 season.
PFAS exposure can vary by occupation and work activities, with chemical manufacturing, firefighting, the aerospace industry, construction, and electronics manufacturing being among the most likely to result in exposure. While there are no generally accepted best practices, there are actions employers can take to protect workers from PFAS exposure and the potential adverse health effects.
Questions & Answers:
We are trying to establish guidance for eyewash stations in our retail grocery stores NAICS code 445110 specifically new construction. What are the eyewash stations requirements? OSHA and ANSI.
149913regActivity.aspx/workplace-safety-regulatory-activity/final-regulations/hazard-communication/29-CFR-1910-Hazard-Communication-Standard-149913/Hazard Communication Final Rules 29 CFR 1910 - Hazard Communication Standard
149877employeeNewsletters.aspx/workplace-safety-employee-newsletters/October-2024-Safety-Works-for-Employees/Safety - GeneralEmployee Newsletters October 2024 Safety Works for Employees
149884reference.aspx/workplace-safety-reference-materials/white-papers/employee-health/employee-health/Indoor-air-and-winter-respiratory-disease-season/Health - GeneralWhite Papers Indoor air and winter respiratory disease season
149874reference.aspx/workplace-safety-reference-materials/white-papers/hazardous-substances-and-materials/chemical-hazards/Protecting-the-Workforce-from-PFAS-/Chemical HazardsWhite Papers Protecting the Workforce from PFAS
149868faqs.aspx/workplace-safety-faqs/hazardous-substances-and-materials/chemical-hazards/We-are-trying-to-establish-guidance-for-eyewash-st/Chemical HazardsQuestions & Answers What are the OSHA and ANSI eyewash station requirements?
There were no updated documents during this time frame.
My State:
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Document URL: https://safety.blr.com/whatsnew.aspx